Friday 11 March 2016

DigiPack Flatplan Idea

In class we created Flatplans for our DigiPack. After many trials, we came up with a final design for our DigiPack, the colours in the backgrounds  are supposed to represent a graffiti background. Below is what it looks like on paper, and hopefully it will look even better once it's digitally designed!

Chosen images For Our DigiPack

So I am going to begin creating the DigiPack , below are the chosen images I am going to use. 

This is the main image of our DigiPack as its going to be on the front cover of the album, so this what you will first see when you look at the album. Strong image as its a close-up plus he is looking into the camera addressing the audience. 

This image is going to be used for inside the DigiPack, I am going to create a 'Shoutout 2 all my homies' page whereby he's thanking his supporters, family, friends etc. Strong image as he looks friendly making it more personal to the person looking at it.

This image is going to be used for the back cover of the DigiPack, I am going to place him on the right third of the cover and have the track list of the album outlining him on the left. 

This last image is a still shot from our music video. I am going to place this on the inside left of the DigiPack. I have editted this image on PhotoShop to make it look much more dramatic.

PhotoShoot 3: DigiPack

Here is a screenshot of the second photoshoot that we carried out for our DigiPack, even though these images came out successful, in terms of following hip-hop genre conventions, the first shoot we did with Clinton wearing white suits the image we are trying to create for him a lot better. So we have decided to go for the first shoot and use the images from that shoot for our DigiPack. :)

PhotoShoot 2: DigiPack

Here is a screenshot of the second photoshoot we carried out was for our DigiPack which turned out quite successful. We are going to carry out one last shoot for our Digipack with Clinton wearing a different outfit, this time in black, and we will then decide which images to choose.

Production Diary 9

So far we have filmed around 90% for our music video, so we have enough footage to start putting the video together. We need to film some fila footage to include in our video, so we are going to go to a skate-park and film people skateboarding as this is what I song is all about. In terms of the advert I have completed the main parts of it, now I'm just working on adding the specifics and perfecting its looks to make it more aesthetically pleasing. I am now going to begin on designing on the Digipack and focus on that as we are limited for time!

advert progression 2 CHANGE!

Whilst editing I realised that the font used for 'Jeremiah' wasn't appealing enough, therefore I decided to completely change the font. I chose a more bold and larger font which suited the genre far more, and it definitely made his name stand out making it the centre of attention. I chose two different colours for the name, the first was white with a stroke of gold and the second was black with a stroke of gold, between the two I decided to stick with the latter as black conforms to the hip-hop genre a lot more, it also makes his name look more stronger and adds that drama to his name, and this in turn makes it more appealing to the eye.

advert progression 1

Progression has been made for creating my advert. So far I have changed the font for my advert, I have changed it into a graffiti font as I thought it would be far more stronger in terms of conforming to the hip-hop genre. I have also added his name 'Jeremiah' in block white capitals with a sort of spotlight behind it. Few labels have been added; iTunes and Def Jam.

Advert Designing has begun...

So I have begun designing the advert for our star 'Jeremiah' and his album 'Redemption'. As we are debuting Jeremiah as a Hip-hop artists I am ensuring that I follow the conventions of the hip-hop genre whilst creating the advert. So far just by looking at the advert you can instantly tell that it is an advert for a hip-hop artists, this is due to the graffiti background and the black puffer coat. Plus the use of bold letters for the album name again associates very much with the urban/hip-hop scene.