Tuesday 23 June 2015

Theorist No.1 - ANDREW GOODWIN

In class we learnt about our first Theortist - ANDREW GOODWIN. In his book 'Dancing in the Distraction Factory' he believes that there are 5 types of music videos, I am going to go through each theory and with it will list a video that applies to it.

                                                1. GENRE

The Music Video should represnt the stereotypes and conventions of the specified genre. For example, a Hip-hop video would normally consist of the artist wearing chains, half-clothed women, cars, drugs etc. An example of a typical Hip-hop video would be Kirko Bangz - What yo name is.


The audience gains pleasure from watching the music video. In particulare VOYEURISM which is the erotic pleasure gained by looking at a sexual object, this theory can also be described as 'The Male/Female Gaze' which was proposed by Laura Mulvey, so in this video Nicki Minaj - Super Bass The Male Gaze theory can be applied as it is purposely fashioned to be a sexual video, and appeals more to a male audience than it does a to female.


This video is created in a way that promotes an up-coming star through frequent close-ups. For example One Direction debut with their first song What makes you beautiful, as they were a new boy-band not many people were unfamiliar with their faces hence the frequent close-ups of each member of the bands face, so people could familiarise themselves with this new band. Also, their clothes correlate with one another, this gives the band their 'look' so people can get to know who One Direction are. Here's the video of One Directin - What makes you beautiful.


This video refers to other media texts, this allows the audience to understand the video quicker. For example reference made to films, other artists etc. Ane example of a music video referencing a film would be Wiz Khalifa - See you again, which has referenced the film 'Fast and Furious 7'.


These videos demostrate clear relationship between the lyrics and the video, they're are four examples of these:

1. ILLUSTRATIVE - Visuals in the video literally represent the lyrics. In this video of Kesha - Tik Tok her lyrics portray her to be a care-free party kind of girl and that is how she presents herself in the music video.

2. CONTRADICTORY - The visuals in the video contrast with the lyrics. This is shown in One Direction - One Thing where they are singing about a girl(s) yet the actual video shows them touring around London on a bus.

3. AMPLIFICATION - Repition of key words/lyrics to manipualte the audience. In Flo Rida's - Whistle, the key word is 'Whistle' and with it he has women in the video whistling.


4. DIS JUNCTURE - In this video the meaning of the song is ignored. An example of this would be Adele - Rolling in the deep where she is talking about a failed relationship however the video shows nothing of the sort, rather it shows things smashing and her sitting in a chair singing.

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