Friday 11 September 2015

Analysis Of Rock - KINGS OF LEON

In class we went through the conventions of a rock video, we focused on the band KINGS OF LEON. In this post I am going to analyse 5 of their music videos and run through the conventions of a typical Rock video.


This song trys to describe a stereotypical view on pop starsand are portrayed to be better than everyone else. It is in some ways a plead to let their fans know that deep down they can get lonely sometimes just like everyone else. This shows us that they are down to earth which is a factor one can relate to want to listen to their music as they can 'relate to it', the lyrics of the video fit well with the visuals.


This video has quite a grungy feel to it due to the dark lighting and extreme close-ups, it is set in what looks like an abandoned factory. 


This video is not the typical video you'd usually expect from a rock band, compared to the others it portrays a light-hearted view of the band, playing and having fun with young children. This video takes the band out of the stereo-typical view of Rock bands, this opens them up to a wider audience and as a result adds to their appeal 


This song is quite a dull and depressing one and the video matches that mood, there are rarely any shots of the band (unlike many of their other videos), the video is depicting a bar-fight scene and is shot in slow-motion, at the end of the video everyone floats up towards the light. 


This is quite a simple video released by the band. It shows the band performing in Nashville - where they are originally from - and shows their south life-style, surrounded by fields and animals it is like a 'break' from their hectic city-life schedule. 

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