Monday 7 September 2015


I decided to choose one of my BEST BEST BEST artists of all time. Michael Jackson. I am going to choose two of his music videos and analyse one that I like and one I don't. Simples.


There are just too many good videos to choose from, but this is just one of my favourites. How can you not love this video, it's so energising, everytime I watch it it gets me going. The narrative, is so cool, I love that it's seen in those high-class kind of bars plus the fact that he plays an old-school gangsters which are one of my top characters to play,  and he pulls it off so epicly and to add to that the dancing. The dancing. Moves that can only ever be done by this man, iconic steps that he created and have gone down in history, one of which is shown in this video where he leans literally to the ground. Wicked. Even though this video is 10 mins long you can't get bored of it. Also, he's the main character in this short film hence why he is wearing white and spotlight/focus is on him throughout.

                                    2. YOU ARE NOT ALONE 

Yep, this video has to be the worst of MJs. It was a terrific song but the video was extremely cringe-worthy. I just don't understand the need of sexuality in this video, in my opinion it wasn't needed. Listening to the lyrics of this song, I understand it can be about a man who misses his lover, or it could be targeting people who are going through struggles in life and is reminding that they aren't alone. Whatever it may be, the half-nude scenes with the female were highly unnecessary. Furthermore, unlike his other videos their was no narrative to this one, it was only shot in two settings, in a theatre and on some kind of floor with the female, sad for me to admit but quite a boring video, not catchy at all. 


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